Wednesday, April 20, 2011



Tips for catching Carp:

I have been fishing  my whole life and its gotten to the point i really don't try to catch carp any more they come and go they are great fish to catch they are a lot of fun it don't matter what kind of carp it is they always put up a fight. If your looking for a fish to eat personally i wouldnt go fishing for carp you cant fry them like you can the other fish you have to smoke them in a smoker. It is really good but it takes forever.

        The best time to fish for carp would be when they spawn. Carp spawn usually in rivers in grassy areas but not deep just around two to three feet deep and around spring Eairly April through August works best. A carp becomes sexually active after two years.

        Carp are bottom feeders so after they spawn they are hungary and they eat everything. I use a simple bullet weight and clamp down sinker about a foot away from the hook. I use night crawlers or minnows they seam to like that.

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